Benefits, fees, hidden perks: Choosing the right credit card for your lifestyle.
Critical to building a credit history, credit cards are a rite of passage into financial adulthood.
An established financial expert, Cindy can speak to a comprehensive range of personal finance topics.
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Critical to building a credit history, credit cards are a rite of passage into financial adulthood.
Budgeting is about creating a plan for your money to live life on your own terms, within your means.
Before signing up for a peer-to-peer loan online, read the fine print and make sure to ask about any upfront fees.
What to do if CPP and OAS will make up most of your retirement income.
Here are some considerations for primary and income property owners to keep in mind when filing taxes.
A 2022 Statistics Canada survey found that more than one-third of Canadians were finding it difficult to meet household financial needs.
Selling a secondary property, like a cottage or a condo, can net a significant profit, but also result in a hefty tax bill.
The increasingly popular procedure is costly -- as much as $15K for an egg freezing cycle and meds -- putting it out of reach of many women.
When it comes to the art of money management, cultivating the right mindset is just as important as crunching the numbers.
Clients need to think about other ways of putting money aside when they run into financial difficulties.
For women, the solution is not throwing caution to the wind and chasing windfalls or investing in the next hot thing.
A guide to legal and illegal rent increases in Ontario and advice for tenants living in a non-rent-controlled unit.
Clients have become more open to virtual communications amid the pandemic and remote experiences that better accommodate their busy lives.
Moving to another country to begin a new life can be difficult, especially if you’re worrying about money. Here’s how to take control.
The wealth management industry has started to put an increasing amount of resources towards helping their diverse employees feel comfortable
Water damage, a kitchen fire or a slip and fall in your apartment can all lead to significant financial headaches if you’re found liable.
Cindy Marques sheds light on challenges, realities, and values for wealth professionals to consider.
To take a sabbatical and only end up in an awful place financially is counterproductive.
There is a creeping belief that any savings deficits today can be easily made up for tomorrow by essentially gambling on a high-risk asset.
Combatting lifestyle creep boils down to tracking your expenses. Most problems happen when you’re not aware of how your money is moving.